World Storytelling Day 2024: Building Bridges
Building Bridges with new Places, Artists and Audiences
March 20 each year is World Storytelling Day.
Have you ever heard of it?
It’s a great day to tell your first story.
Beginning and veteran storytellers worldwide celebrate the art of storytelling on that day.
This year, the theme is Building Bridges (chosen a few weeks ago).
💡 I’d like to talk a little about how ‘World Storytelling Day’ can help you to build a bridge to a new cool place, fellow artist, or new audience.
First, think about all the fabulous locations and venues in your area where you would love to tell a story. Why not connect to them and tell them about World Storytelling Day? Offer to bring some mates and tell some cracking stories!
It can be the beginning of a long-lasting connection.
Second, that local artist that you secretly admire, the singer, painter, dancer, etc…
Why not approach them and tell them about World Storytelling Day? Tell them that the theme of this year is Building Bridges and that you’d like to explore how to build a bridge between your two art forms.
Third, consider the places and people in your area that might need stories the most. Is there somebody listening to their stories? Do they have a place to tell them? How can you build bridges with them? It might involve more listening than telling!
What comes to your mind when you think about ‘Building Bridges’? I’d love to read your ideas in the comments.
thank you for your super ideas!
Many thanks for this useful ideas!